Saturday, August 6, 2011

Yep, we are going to homeschool!

Oh yes, you read that correctly. We have decided to homeschool our children this year. Ofcourse, this was not without much prayer. You see, I have always been an advocate of sending my kids to school all day. What a perfect time to relax, clean the house, or start other projects. Not to mention how quiet the house is when they're at school. Actually, I still have one that hasn't even started school yet so I haven't even experienced true peace and quiet. Anyway, back in March while driving home from picking the kids up from school, I heard that still small voice.

This is how it all started. The kids were all grumpy, hungry, tired and fighting with each other after a long day at school. We still had to get home, do homework, cook and scarf down dinner, get to soccer and piano practice, rush back home, get baths, get ready for bed, and go to sleep early enough to start all over again tomorrow. I was completely overwhelmed and stressed out and honestly wondering how much longer we could function like this, and even why we had to function like this. That's when I heard it. God's whisper. He said, "you don't have to". What? Ofcourse we do, we don't have any other choice. Next came, "you can homeschool".  Yeah right I thought. I'm the last person who could ever do that.

I decided to ignore the fact that that had ever entered my mind. How crazy would that be. My kids don't listen to me, they fight with each other, and they make terrible messes. What a recipe for disaster.
Several days passed and still the idea of homeschooling wouldn't leave my mind. I decided to talk to my husband about it. Surely he would tell me I was crazy and must be mistaken. But, he didn't . He actually thought it was a wonderful idea and had sort of been thinking along the same lines himself.
Wow. What a shocker. Anyway, to make a long story short, we prayed hard and long for God to make clear if this is what we should do. Eventually we both developed a deep peace about it and even became excited.  Still, we didn't want to tell people just yet. I mean, what do you say to people.

So, now it's out! We are submitting to Gods call and homeschooling our children. I am fully prepared to have some completely horrible days, but I know we will also have some incredible days. I realized how selfish I was being by wanting them gone all day. It was all about me. My thinking has drastically changed and I can't wait to spend more time with them, shaping their character and watching them grow in the Lord. My time with them will be too short and I want to make it count.  I can't wait to see the excitment in their eyes when they learn something new, or when they accomplish something great. I'm looking forward to them spending more time together and strengthening their sibling relationships. I look forward to more laid back afternoons and evenings, when  the five of us can spend quality family time together without having to rush around so much.
I invite you to join in this journey with us following just "one Moore homeschool adventure".


  1. I am so excited for you all! We have been trying to discern God's will for our family in regards to homeschooling too, I've played the same arguments over in my own mind, some days I wonder if it's God who is saying "wait" or me. I will be following your journey for sure, and praying for you all too! We will miss you at DCA this year, but secretly I am jealous for the no rushing, no carpooling, quality time you will enjoy (but maybe not so much the fighting and messy part!) Still praying, maybe we'll join you in the adventure next year! Aimee Corcoran

  2. Thanks so much Aimee! I think the best part will definitely be the no rushing. I am not looking forward to the fighting, but am hopeful it will lessen. I know they will always argue to some degree, but really want them to learn to respect one another. As for the messes, I'm trying to learn to let that one go, but I just can't. Not sure how I'll handle that yet. Should be very interesting to say the least. I will keep you in my prayers as you continue to seek God's will for your lives.

  3. I'm so happy for you all! We are here in any way to help or just be a support. It's gonna be a fun year!!!! Stacey
